Abbreviation: SAS
Country: Italy
Domestic League: Italy - Liga A
W-L: 14-15
05/05/2024 95 - 63 vs Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia
04/28/2024 99 - 74 at Scafati Scafati
04/21/2024 88 - 112 vs Varese Varese
04/14/2024 79 - 88 at Cuore Napoli Cuore Napoli

Team Stats

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Sassari stats Sassari 29 80.1 19.7 35.1 56.0% 7.5 21.0 35.6% 14.1 17.9 78.8% 8.2 22.5 30.7 16.6 7.1 1.9 14.0 19.3

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League Standings